The Baby & Child Nutritionist
Charlotte Stirling-Reed
“I’ve been absolutely loving using the doddl utensil set with my family. It’s really helped my daughter to hone her skills around self-feeding with a spoon and fork. I love the fact that they are made for little hands and make the idea of self-feeding so much simpler. Ada really has come on leaps and bounds since using them and is now able to do the “scoop” action by herself. My son also loves using the knife and fork and is getting much better at his cutting skills. It’s great that they just need to push down and apply pressure to cut their foods and, again, that they are made with little hands in mind. Such a great way to help them to transition to adult flatware!”
Learn more about Charlotte's work here!
Specialist Paediatric Dietician
Lucy Upton
“doddl is fantastic for supporting young children with independent eating, grasping those tricky cutlery skills and allowing little ones to get stuck in exploring the wonderful world of food”
Learn more about Lucy's work here!
Paediatric Feeding and Swallowing Specialist Speech Therapist
Stacey Zimmels
“As a feeding specialist and a mother, I was so delighted to discover doddl after it was recommended by a friend. I was so fed up of buying utensils that weren't working to support my baby with his self-feeding development. doddl was perfect for him and within days he had mastered the loaded spoon and was stabbing and eating with his fork. The perfectly designed handles are short and fat which makes them easy to grab and simple to bring to their mouth. My son loved eating at the family table with his doddl – he was participating in our family mealtimes before he was walking!”
Learn more about Stacey's work here!
Registered Nutritionist / Founder of I Love Greens / co-founder of ‘Happy Tums’
Nicola Ragon-Paxton
“doddl is perfectly designed for a toddler’s hand and the short handle means it’s easier to control. But the best bit for me are the metal heads which make it easy for baby to scoop and fork food compared to chunky plastic heads which can be frustrating for young ones. One of my recommended weaning essentials!”
Learn more about Nicola's work here!
NHS Paediatric Occupational Therapist
Hannah Jeffery BSc, PGCert, MRCOT
“The unique shape of doddl makes it easy to grip and puts the hands in a perfect position. With goals to improve fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and independent feeding, I have found that children from nine months of age have great success.”

Paediatric Occupational Therapist
Christine Pollack
“I absolutely love doddl. It comes with a children’s fork, spoon & knife that are ergonomically designed to foster independent feeding while building motor skills. Each utensil has grip zones strategically placed making it easy for kids to maintain control and manoeuvre the utensils. The handles are designed to promote a mature grasp which helps with drawing and writing. This is the first set I’ve come across that includes a knife safely designed for introducing and practicing knife skills with kids allowing them to participate in making her own food.”
Follow Christine on Instagram!
Occupational Therapist
Vanessa Eisch
"As a pediatric occupational therapist and feeding specialist, I am always looking at new and innovative feeding products. I came across the doddl utensil set and recently tried it out with my 18 month old son. It’s an incredible design! The handle is a perfect combination of chunky yet light and short which promoted a comfortable and functional grasp for his little toddler hands. The bowl of the spoon is wide and flat which allows him to “shovel” and successfully scoop his food! He’s been more successful with this spoon than any we have tried before! I’m definitely recommending doddl to families that I serve and keeping it in my OT toolkit. Thanks for making such a thoughtful, well designed product!"
Interested to learn more?
If you have any questions, or want to learn more about our testimonials, feel free to contact us team@doddl.com